Human resources
Zephyr Group recognizes that its people are the most important asset and are key to business success. Creating a good working environment, providing its people with career development opportunities and with the tools necessary to perform their work in the best possible way, is therefore of paramount importance to Zephyr Group.
Zephyr Group is committed to implementing employment policies oriented towards stability and long-term collaboration with its employees. As such, the Group privileges permanent contracts to fixed-term ones as a means of promoting human resources retention and growth.
Health and safety (H&S)
The Group strives to implement a high standard of health and safety protection in the workplace and adopts a systematic approach with the aim of making all processes adequate to the highest H&S standard in the industry.
Zephyr Group ensures working conditions that respect individual dignity and psychophysical integrity, as well as a safe and healthy working environment in compliance with applicable legislation and workers’ rights.
The fundamental principles and criteria that guide the Group’s decisions on occupational safety H&S are the following:
- avoid risks;
- assess unavoidable risks;
- combat risks at source;
- take into account the level of technical evolution;
- planning prevention, aiming for a coherent whole that integrates technology, work
organization, working conditions, social relations, and the influence of factors in the
working environment; - give appropriate instructions to the workers ensuring complete awareness regarding occupation H&S.
The company carries out – on a regular basis – the necessary analyses and checks of occupational hazards, implements appropriate precautionary and hazard control measures, and ensures the appropriate training of all employees.
Zephyr Group became a signatory member of the Neptune Declaration, aimed at improving working conditions for marine crew members and seafarers. By adhering to the Neptune Declaration, Zephyr Group recognizes a shared responsibility to ensure that the current crew change crisis is resolved as soon as possible and to use the learnings from such crisis as an opportunity to build a more resilient maritime supply.
Social value creation
Zephyr Group is committed to supporting the communities in which it operates, financing local projects and initiatives to create value.
Among the others Zephyr is supporting:
- since 2007 Zephyr supports the presence of Theodora Foundation in the La Spezia Pediatric Hospital. The mission of Theodora is to bring moments of play, listening and escape to hospitalized children with special personalized visits known as “Doctor Dreams”: professional artists, hired and trained by the Foundation to work in highly complex pediatric hospitals in synergy with hospital staff, as part of a process of integrated care of the little patient. For more information visit the foundation’s website.
- Zephyr is the main sponsor of the First Team of Valdimagra Volley considering sport a valide alternative for youngs and child.